Non formal education definition
Non formal education definition

non formal education definition

They usually address specific target groups, but rarely document or assess learning outcomes or achievements in conventionally visible ways." The activities and courses are planned, but are seldom structured by conventional rhythms or curriculum subjects.

#Non formal education definition professional

These environments and situations may be intermittent or transitory, and the activities or courses that take place may be staffed by professional learning facilitators (such as youth trainers) or by volunteers (such as youth leaders). "Non-formal learning is purposive but voluntary learning that takes place in a diverse range of environments and situations for which teaching/training and learning is not necessarily their sole or main activity. The glossary of the European Knowledge Centre for Youth Policy describes non-formal learning as follows:

non formal education definition non formal education definition

It is widely acknowledged and recognised that non-formal learning provides unique learning opportunities to millions of young Europeans on a daily basis. It stands for a range of core learning principles, methodologies and approaches in the youth sector, commonly emphasising the learner's intrinsic motivation, voluntary participation, critical thinking and democratic agency. Non-formal learning is an extensively used and intensely debated notion in the youth field.

Non formal education definition